Is online shopping of skin care products safe or worth it?

The Beauty Sailor
5 min readSep 23, 2021


One of the most searched skincare questions are -

Is online shopping of skin care products safe or worth it? After all, it’s a question about your skin and nobody can dare to risk it. That is why we are here to guide you on how to filter the options to reach the best skin care products online. Because we know it particularly that no one wants to buy such skincare products that are not made for them or harm their skin. There are even numerous of companies claiming they are making skin care products or formula bottles just for you. Still, the question remains how to trust them?

So here are some filters for you -

1. E-commerce — Most of the skincare products are bought on Amazon, actually most of the stuff is bought through Amazon. You can even use this filter for other e-commerce sites as well. So while buying via Amazon or through other e-commerce sites make sure -

· Authorized Seller — You buy your product from an authorized seller; that gets the information from which party the products are coming from are they from the first party, second party, or third party.

- First Party products are directly from the manufacturer or from the company or brand that is distributing them single-handedly. We recommend buying products from the first party.

- Second Party products are not directly from the manufacturer; they are mostly from the wholesaler who has stacked products from multiple brands or manufacturers. It is fine to buy products from a second party if they are a trusted market name.

- Then there is a third party and we strongly recommend not buying from them, because they are neither manufacturers nor verified wholesalers. So try not to trust them because there can be fake products.

· Background Check Make sure the skincare product that you are buying exists on other platforms e-commerce platforms too; also look for their social media presence and how long they have been in business. Do their serious background check in order to know all the information before purchasing the product.

· Reviews and Product Photos by Customer — Reviews are not always authentic but there are the majority of chances you can get genuine reviews on e-commerce sites because they have verified reviews that can only be authorized after a genuine buy. Look for customer posted photos too — they are helpful to know the color and texture of the skincare product you are buying.

2. Seller’s Website — When you are buying a product directly from a seller’s website make sure of the following pointers.

· Age of Website Check the age of the website. Look how old the website it, it should be at least six months old. If it is that old only then buy the skincare products; if not then do not even think of buying those skincare products.

· Look for Review section — A trusted website always has a review section, with ample ratings and verified customers. If any website does not have a review section, then do not buy skincare products from them; they are mostly fraud. So be aware of such counterfeit skincare or any product website.

· Proper Portfolio — Check whether the company and brand have a proper and well-maintained portfolio. Look for their catalog and where they are registered; how long they have been registered. Such pointers are significant of all.

3. Social Media Presence — Look for that skincare brand’s social media presence. Check how old their posts are. If they have a proper and well-maintained social media presence they are worth buying skincare products from, because they must have a good number of followers and engagers too.

4. Scam Checker Websites — There are a number of scam checker websites present online; that detect if the website is trustworthy or not. They even give ratings based on the relevant factors of website, reviews, certificates, etc.

5. Know Your Skin Type — First of all know your skin type and then buy products as per your skin type. If it is difficult to know your skin type; then opt for those products that suit all skin types. Do not assume your skin type — tons of people make this mistake and this makes them pay heavily. Be careful in matters of skin.

6. Claims should be Genuine — If any skincare brand or website is claiming miraculous claims; they probably be a scam because no skincare products work overnight or just after one use. All the products take time to adjust to skin and then to nourish. If any product says they are making skin healthy immediately then avoid it. Don’t believe in miraculous claims even by trusted brands or products. Nothing works miraculously on skin.

7. Look for Key Ingredients — Make sure you look for ingredients properly that are being used in the formulation of the skin care product that you want to buy. Do crisp research about skincare benefits and side effects of those particular ingredients before buying the products. Make sure you are not allergic to any of those ingredients.

8. Prices can be misleading — Prices are mostly misleading; a high price does not guarantee a good product and paying a cheap amount for multiple products is dangerous too. Look for average-priced products; even if you want to buy high-priced products then make sure to follow the above-mentioned pointers. If the brand is credible then products are mostly good if not then just skip that website.

9. Patch Test — Even if you have bought the product; say by chance — make sure to do a patch test. Never apply any new skincare product without a patch test. It’s just the last security point because you do not want anything to happen to a big part of your skin. So, just do a tiny patch test on your hand or near your wrist just to be 100% sure.

These are the pointers for safe shopping of skincare products. Make sure to follow them all. BE YOUTHFUL.



The Beauty Sailor
The Beauty Sailor

Written by The Beauty Sailor

The Beauty Sailor- Skin Care Products Brand | Luxury Skincare Products with nature-derived ingredients| In-depth skincare blogs

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