10 Bad Habits That Ruin Your Complexion Without You Knowing
You need to stop assaulting your skin. Your skin needs your attention not your aggression. Treat it gently. While we think we are taking care of our skin with the best of skincare products and still not getting results that means, we are unknowingly mistreating it.
Know where you are going wrong.
1. Don’t tell me you sleep with your makeup on
After a long tiring day or a late night out with friends; all you want to do is just go to bed. Taking the makeup off would be the last thing on your mind. But if you let your makeup and oil buildup from throughout the sit on your skin all night, this is what happens-
· Bacterial infections
· Clogged pores
· Acne
Also, your body temperature tends to increase slightly when you sleep; this will enhance absorption of whatever’s on the skin surface and on that note if you have your makeup on then get ready to deal with spotted skin.
Just back your face up with a good deep cleansing face wash and what’s better than a coffee face wash that not only cleanses but exfoliates too.
2. Are you over-exfoliating?
I know you love that flawless soft and supple skin but over-exfoliating is dangerous for your skin health. If you think using a scrub more than twice a week would make your complexion get brighter and remove all tan, then you are totally wrong. Exfoliating using gritty exfoliators can exacerbate oil production and worsen breakouts by spreading bacteria. If a scrub stings or leaves your skin red and blotchy then it’s best not to use it, as well as wiping away flaky skin, it will also get rid of your skin’s natural hydrating oils.
Rough natural exfoliators can cause inflammation and irritation, but using a gentle exfoliator that has moisturizing properties too will give great results. Use a Walnut, Coffee & Coconut Face Scrub that exfoliates, moisturizes and nourishes your skin.
NOTE- Always do a patch test for the safe side.
3. Stop using harsh cleansers right now
Cleansing is the first basic and most required part of any skincare routine, and you must never avoid this. But there are certain cleansers in the market that come with beads in them which are not good for daily cleansing. Also if you have dry skin then you need to be careful as cleansing too much will strip away natural oils, making your skin even drier.
Choose your cleansers wisely.
4. Using the wrong products for your skin type
What’s most common is using a foundation that doesn’t match your skin tone….I know some of you do that to get fairer skin but you gotta stop with that. Your skin will suffer if you don’t use the products specifically aimed at your skin type and your skin tone, leading to more breakouts and irritation. Give your skin what it needs; not what your fancy feelings about great skin feeds you.
5. Popping your pimples
For some of you, it’s tempting to pop your blackheads and pimples. But what happens next is a dark spot or blemished skin. I am sure you wouldn’t like that. So just stop popping your pimples because the reality is squeezing a pimple pushes the bacteria deeper into the pores, which can cause infection and scarring, making the blemish last for even longer. Instead of squeezing the spot, you should put a small amount of spot treatment on it at night to help soothe and reduce it overnight.
The best would be to use avocado-based products like Avocado face wash and a moisturizing body lotion because that is an everyday requirement. Avocados are best for acne control.
6. You are probably missing on your sunscreen
Read as many blogs and articles on the internet about skincare, recommending sunscreen is the first thing any article addresses and yet you think you can afford to go naked skin when it’s a cloudy day — a big NO for that. I know you are guilty of missing out on sunscreen in winters and cloudy days but that is alright if it isn’t too late. Use sunscreen every day throughout the year in all seasons.
7. You don’t sleep enough
Getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is a must. Lack of sleep causes dark circles and other health-related concerns that ultimately your skin suffers too. Getting less than 8 hours of sleep a night can have an effect on your skin, making it appear duller and increasing fine lines particularly around the eye area. Now you know why it’s called beauty sleep. It’s recommended to have at least 8 hours a night to keep your skin replenished and hydrated.
NOTE — Change your pillow covers frequently to avoid acne and wrinkle problems. Sleep with satin, silk, or Egyptian cotton pillowcases because rough pillowcases can actually cause wrinkles during the night.
8. Hydrate your body and skin both
One of the simplest ways to make your skin glow is to drink enough water and use Vitamin C Face serum that is also rich in hyaluronic acid. It not only hydrates your skin but also provides all essential oils too. Also, regular water consumption improves the color and texture of your skin by ensuring new cells renew properly. It’s recommended that you drink at least 2 liters of water a day to ensure you have that healthy glowing complexion.
9. Eating out every day
I know you would feel sad but your diet affects your complexion too. A recent study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that people who replaced processed carbs with high-protein foods broke out less. Simply put, high-glycemic foods such as white carbs cause your blood sugar to rise to result in a surge of insulin. Increased level of insulin stimulates the production of oil and hormones called androgens, which can increase the number of blemishes on your skin.
Cut down on your junk food and eat healthier.
10. Smoking and stress
You clearly don’t have to justify why you smoke but just know that smoking breaks down elastic fibers in the skin, which is why smokers’ complexions can look yellow-toned whilst it speeds up the enzyme responsible for breaking down collagen, which leads to wrinkles. If you want perfect skin you should think about quitting! Also if you stay stressed in life, you will probably look older than your actual age.
Just live your life to the fullest and flaunt healthy skin every day.
Stop all the bad habits and restore your bright and healthy skin. BE YOUTHFUL.